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Below are some resources to learn more about and contact other HI-DEF professionals. For more resources, click here.

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Join our talent directory - Expand your impact-oriented professional network.

Join our Talent Directory

Fill out our sign-up form to join our talent directory. Depending on what you consent to, your profile will be immediately on our public and/or private directories. 

COMING SOON! Filtered directories based on desire to be board members, volunteers, and co-founders(Links are examples currently provided by our partner, High Impact Professionals.)

Organization Search

Hiring managers at high-impact organizations who are interested in your profile will reach out to you and encourage you to apply to open roles.

Apply to Jobs

Once an organization has reached out to you about a specific role you are interested in, just apply as you normally would. If you do end up getting a job through our directory, please let us know.

Joining the Talent Directory to expand your professional network and be found by potential employers is a great first start! But sometimes a personal touch is required. Schedule a 1-on-1 “career conversation” with us to help you navigate where best to use your skills, experience and passion in a high-impact role!

Take a look at the Resources below to see if anything immediately lines up with your skills, experience and areas of interest:

 80,000 Hours

80,000 Hours provides research and support to help students and recent graduates switch into careers that effectively tackle the world’s most pressing problems. Apply for career advising today!

EA Opportunities Board

The EA Opportunities Board features a wide range of EA opportunities, including internships, volunteer opportunities, conferences, and more. This opportunity board features opportunities that require less time or experience, while the 80,000 Hours Job Board focuses primarily on full-time positions, which they don't include.

U.S. DoD’s Skillbridge

Separating / Retiring from the U.S. Military? SkillBridge matches civilian opportunities to your job training and work experience at the end of your military duty. SkillBridge permits you to use up to the last 180 days of service to train and learn with an industry partner. During SkillBridge participation you continue to receive military compensation and you are covered by your military benefits.

Effective Thesis

What if you could use your thesis to work on solving the most important problems our world faces? Effective Thesis provides free coaching and guidance to students, from undergraduate to PhD level, who want to begin research careers that significantly improve the world.

Magnify Mentoring

Magnify Mentoring supports, inspires, and connects a global community of people who are motivated to have a positive impact with their careers and lives. Originally aimed exclusively at women, non binary and trans people of all genders, Magnify Mentoring is now a global network of over 500 community members.

Animal Advocacy Careers

Animal Advocacy Careers is an organization that seeks to address the career and talent bottlenecks in the animal advocacy movement, especially the farmed animal movement. AAC provides careers services for individuals at all levels of experience with animal advocacy.